printout House: Tendo, Yamagata

Asset type
Bid period ended

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Base bid price Ended
Bid period ended


Bid Opening Result Publication Ended.


Location Tendo, Yamagata
Traffic access on report(japanese) JR奥羽本線「天童」駅 東方 道路距離 約1.3km
Reference(japanese) 山形新幹線 天童駅 東方 1.20km JR奥羽本線 天童南駅 北東方 2.38km

Property data

Type Land Property number 8
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 1713.50m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 9
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 1089.72m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 10
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 503.92m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Building Property number 11
Building number 4-1
Registered type Hotel Actual -
Registered structure steel structuredZinc-coated steel sheetroofed2F building Actual -
Registered floor area 1F758.56m2,2F631.62m2 Actual 1Fca.896.01m2,2Fca.666.31m2
Layout Others Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 1989/06
Type Building Property number 12
Building number 4-19
Registered type Hotel Actual -
Registered structure steel structuredFlat-roofedwith B1F9story building Actual -
Registered floor area 1F 745.66m2,2F1331.13m2,3F 628.97m2,4F 520.44m2,5F 520.44m2,6F 520.44m2,7F 532.20m2,8F 172.50m2,9F 64.50m2,with B1F 191.26m2 Actual 1Fca.849.63m2,2Fca.1649.68m2,3Fca.765.25m2,4Fca.751.91m2,5Fca.596.02m2,6F 520.44m2,7F 532.20m2,8Fca.206.71m2,9Fca.89.70m2,with B1F 191.26m2
Layout Others Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 1992/04
Type Land Property number 13
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 5551.34m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Building Property number 14
Building number 4-17-1
Registered type Hotel Actual -
Registered structure SteelconcreteFlat-roofed6 story building Actual -
Registered floor area 1F1210.87m2,2F1222.93m2,3F 550.86m2,4F 532.91m2,5F 563.01m2,6F 55.25m2 Actual 1Fca.1379.63m2,2Fca.1234.90m2,3Fca.557.81m2,4F 532.91m2,5F 563.01m2,6F 55.25m2
Layout Others Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 1978/07
Type Building Property number 15
Building number 4-17-2
Registered type Hotel Actual -
Registered structure steel structuredFlat-roofedZinc-coated steel sheetroofedOne-story Actual -
Registered floor area 656.32m2 Actual -
Layout Others Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 2004/01
Type Land Property number 16
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 493.55m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 17
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 1139.45m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 18
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 1012.18m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Not for saleYes Property number 19
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 2019.05m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 20
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 18.15m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 21
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 1280.86m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 22
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 1041.49m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Land Property number 23
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 63.27m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%
Type Building Property number 24
Building number 1-2
Registered type Church Actual -
Registered structure steel structuredSlate-roofedroofed3story building Actual -
Registered floor area 1F298.40m2,2F192.88m2,3F 30.00m2 Actual -
Layout Others Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 1999/03
Type Land Not for saleYes Property number 25
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 634.66m2 Actual area -
Zoning Commercial Usage -
Building to land ratio 80% Floor area ratio 400%

Numerical data

Cap rate 11.1% Area 1,562㎡
Gross yield 15.3% Base bid price -
Lease demand 13 / 25pt Minimum bid price -
Ratio of years passed
to depreciable years
106% Earnest money deposit -

Court data

Case number 2021(M)43, 2022(M)5)(令和05年(M)22 Announced 2024/01/24
Court Yamagata District Court (Main) Start of viewing 2024/01/24
Sale type Sealed bid auction (1 times) Bid period 2024/02/13 ~ 2024/02/20
Farm land - Result 2024/02/22
Sale decision 2024/03/14 Special sale -

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