printout Farm: Higashi, Okayama, Okayama

Asset type
Bid period ended

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Base bid price Ended
Bid period ended


Bid Opening Result Publication Ended.


Location Higashi, Okayama, Okayama
Traffic access on report(japanese) JR山陽本線 上道駅 東方 約3.7km(直線)
Reference(japanese) JR赤穂線長船駅西方3.71km

Property data

Type Land(Farm) Property number 1
Registered category Rice field Actual category Rice field・Part passage
Registered area 687sq meters Actual area -
Zoning Preserved Usage -
Building to land ratio 60% Floor area ratio 200%
Type Land(Not for saleYes) Property number 2
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 57.58sq meters Actual area -
Zoning Preserved Usage -
Building to land ratio 60% Floor area ratio 200%
Type Land(Farm) Property number 3
Registered category Rice field Actual category -
Registered area 260sq meters Actual area -
Zoning Preserved Usage -
Building to land ratio 60% Floor area ratio 200%
Type Land Property number 4
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 379.42sq meters Actual area -
Zoning Preserved Usage vacant lot
Building to land ratio 60% Floor area ratio 200%

Numerical data

Cap rate - Area 1,384㎡
Gross yield - Base bid price -
Lease demand 18 / 25pt Minimum bid price -
Ratio of years passed
to depreciable years
0% Earnest money deposit -

Court data

Case number 2013(M)5 Announced -
Court Okayama District Court (Main) Start of viewing 2014/07/18
Sale type Special sale (3 times) Special sale 2014/07/18 ~ 2014/07/24
Farm land Result -

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