printout House: Isesaki, Gunma

Asset type
Bid period ended

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Base bid price Ended
Bid period ended


Bid Opening Result Publication Ended.


Location Isesaki, Gunma
Traffic access on report(japanese) 東武伊勢崎線「新伊勢崎」駅 南東方 道路距離 約6.8km
Reference(japanese) -

Property data

Type Land Property number 1
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 200.66m2 Actual area -
Zoning Industrial Usage -
Building to land ratio 60% Floor area ratio 200%
Type Building Property number 2
Building number 643-13
Registered type Residence Actual -
Registered structure WoodenShingle sand asphalt etc. roofingroofed2F building Actual -
Registered floor area 1F 58.79m2,2F 46.37m2 Actual -
Layout Others Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 2018/02

Numerical data

Cap rate 13.4% Area 105㎡
Gross yield 18.4% Base bid price -
Lease demand 13 / 25pt Minimum bid price -
Ratio of years passed
to depreciable years
27% Earnest money deposit -

Court data

Case number 2023(M)84 Announced 2024/04/24
Court Maebashi District Court (Main) Start of viewing 2024/04/24
Sale type Sealed bid auction (1 times) Bid period 2024/05/21 ~ 2024/05/28
Farm land - Result 2024/06/04
Sale decision 2024/06/25 Special sale 2024/06/07 ~ 2024/06/07

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