printout Mansion: Minami, Yokohama, Kanagawa

Asset type
Bid period ended

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Base bid price Ended
Bid period ended


Bid Opening Result Publication Ended.


Location Minami, Yokohama, Kanagawa
Traffic access on report(japanese) JR横須賀線「保土ケ谷」駅 南西方 約1.7km(道路距離) 京浜急行本線「井土ヶ谷」駅 北西方 約1.6km 「永田北1丁目」バス停 徒歩約2分
Reference(japanese) JR湘南新宿ライン 保土ケ谷駅 南西方 1.26km 相鉄本線 天王町駅 南西方 1.92km 京急本線 弘明寺駅 北方 1.99km

Property data

Type Apartment building Property number 1
Building number 永Rice field北三丁目465-11-94
Registered type Residence Actual -
Registered structure Steelconcrete1 story building Actual -
Registered area 5F part 41.60m2 Actual -
Layout 2DK Balcony ca.7m2
Service fee etc. 15,039 Land right Ownership
Occupant Yes Year/month built 1976/12
Floor 5F / 5 Total units 50

Numerical data

Cap rate 17.5% Area 41㎡
Gross yield 24.1% Base bid price -
Lease demand 23 / 25pt Minimum bid price -
Ratio of years passed
to depreciable years
100% Earnest money deposit -

Court data

Case number 2023(M)359 Announced 2024/05/23
Court Yokohama District Court (Main) Start of viewing 2024/05/23
Sale type Sealed bid auction (1 times) Bid period 2024/06/25 ~ 2024/07/02
Farm land - Result 2024/07/09
Sale decision 2024/07/22 Special sale 2024/07/16 ~ 2024/07/16

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