Land: Takamatsu, Kagawa(for printing)

Takamatsu District Court(Main)
2008/03/19 Result (Bid period 2008/03/07~2008/03/14)
2007(M)8 (1,2)
Base bid price Minimum bid price Ended
Ended Earnest money deposit Ended
Takamatsu, Kagawa

Property data

Type Land Property number 1
Location(japanese) 高松市三谷町
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 178.07平方メートル Actual area -
Zoning Undesignated in urban plan area Usage -
Building to land ratio 60% Floor area ratio 200%
Type Building Property number 2
Location(japanese) 高松市三谷町
Building number Ended
Registered type Shop Actual -
Registered structure steel structuredsteel plate roofed3story building Actual -
Registered floor area 1階 102.60平方メートル,2階 103.50平方メートル,3階 103.50平方メートル Actual -
Layout Others Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 2004/10

Numerical data

Cap rate 32.2% Area 310㎡
Gross yield 44.3% Base bid price Ended
Lease demand 12 / 25pt Minimum bid price Ended
Ratio of years passed
to depreciable years
12% Earnest money deposit Ended


Traffic access on report(japanese) 高松琴平電気鉄道琴平線 仏生山駅 東方 約2km(直線距離)
Location(japanese) 高松市三谷町字横内西1267番地17
Zoning Undesignated in urban plan area
Registered structure steel structuredsteel plate roofed3story building Area 310㎡
Year/ month built 2004/10 Layout Others
Service fee etc.


Case number 2007(M)8 Start of viewing 2008/02/08
Court Takamatsu District Court(Main) Announced 2008/02/08
Sale type Sealed bid auction (1 times) Bid period 2008/03/07 ~ 2008/03/14
Farm land - Result 2008/03/19
Sale decision 2008/03/26
