Mansion: MinamiUonuma, Niigata(for printing)

Niigata District Court(Nagaoka)
Special sale 2018/07/30~2018/08/10
2017(O)42 (1)
Base bid price Minimum bid price Ended
Ended Earnest money deposit Ended
MinamiUonuma, Niigata

Property data

Type Apartment building Property number 1
Location(japanese) 南魚沼市石打
Building number Ended
Registered type Residence Actual -
Registered structure steel structuredSteelconcrete1 story building Actual -
Registered area 11階部分 31.56m2 Actual -
Layout 1K Balcony 不明
Service fee etc. 23,816yen Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 1990/04
Floor 11F / 15 Total units 665

Numerical data

Cap rate 70%以上 Area 32㎡
Gross yield 96%以上 Base bid price Ended
Lease demand 5 / 25pt Minimum bid price Ended
Ratio of years passed
to depreciable years
59% Earnest money deposit Ended


Traffic access on report(japanese) JR上越線 石打駅 南方 道路距離 約3.2km,上越新幹線 越後湯沢駅 道路距離 約4km,バス停「石打ハッカ石口」約600m
Location(japanese) 南魚沼市石打字曽我市 954番地1、954番地6、954番地7、954番地8、954番地10、954番地11、979番地1 南魚沼市石打字土堂 951番地6、951番地9、951番地10、976番地2 南魚沼市石打字鎌止々 876番地2、876番地5、876番地6、876番地7、876番地8、876番地9、876番地10
Registered structure steel structuredSteelconcrete1 story building Area 32㎡
Year/ month built 1990/04 Layout 1K
Service fee etc. 23,816yen


Case number 2017(O)42 Start of viewing 2018/07/27
Court Niigata District Court(Nagaoka) Announced -
Sale type Special sale (1 times) Special sale 2018/07/30 ~ 2018/08/10
Farm land - Result -
