House: Ronkoshi, Hokkaido(for printing)

Sapporo District Court(Main)
2017/11/30 Result (Bid period 2017/11/17~2017/11/27)
2016(M)40003, 2016(M)40004 (1,4,8,9)
Base bid price Minimum bid price Ended
Ended Earnest money deposit Ended
Ronkoshi, Hokkaido

Property data

Type Land Property number 1
Location(japanese) 磯谷郡蘭越町港町
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 246.91m2 Actual area -
Zoning Undesignated out of urban plan area Usage -
Building to land ratio - Floor area ratio -
Type Land Property number 4
Location(japanese) 磯谷郡蘭越町港町
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 161.50m2 Actual area -
Zoning Undesignated out of urban plan area Usage -
Building to land ratio - Floor area ratio -
Type Land Not for saleYes Property number 8
Location(japanese) 磯谷郡蘭越町港町
Registered category Residential land Actual category -
Registered area 508.84m2 Actual area -
Zoning Undesignated out of urban plan area Usage -
Building to land ratio - Floor area ratio -
Type Building Property number 9
Location(japanese) 磯谷郡蘭越町港町
Building number Ended
Registered type Office Actual -
Registered structure WoodenAlloy plated sheet roofing2F building Actual -
Registered floor area 1階 117.33m2,2階 94.19m2 Actual -
Layout - Land right Ownership
Occupant debtor・owner Year/month built 2000/01

Numerical data

Cap rate 70%以上 Area 212㎡
Gross yield 96%以上 Base bid price Ended
Lease demand 0 / 25pt Minimum bid price Ended
Ratio of years passed
to depreciable years
77% Earnest money deposit Ended


Traffic access on report(japanese) JR函館本線「蘭越」駅 ほぼ北西方 直線距離 約15.3km(道路距離 約17.6km)
Location(japanese) 磯谷郡蘭越町港町 1320番地3
Zoning Undesignated out of urban plan area
Registered structure WoodenAlloy plated sheet roofing2F building Area 212㎡
Year/ month built 2000/01 Layout -
Service fee etc.


Case number 2016(M)40003, 2016(M)40004 Start of viewing 2017/11/02
Court Sapporo District Court(Main) Announced 2017/11/02
Sale type Sealed bid auction (2 times) Bid period 2017/11/17 ~ 2017/11/27
Farm land - Result 2017/11/30
Sale decision 2017/12/06
